Norman Lundin -- WHO?

Souvenir, In the Manner of Norman Lundin
January's Print of the Month is #74 of my "Missing Persons" series. There are no people in these photographs but they were here a moment ago or will be right back. Most of this series are photographs that took advantage of something that I saw. This one is an arrangement. I even had the camera on a tripod.
Norman Lundin (pronounced Lun-deen) is a retired University of Washington professor of art and a formidable painter. He says that painting is easy: "You stand in front of the easel and move your hand." (I add the phrase "for 50 years or so" to the end of that sentence.
He paints mostly from memory and his imagination. His landscapes, seemingly quite realistic, have a slight edge of surreal after you look at them a while. His still life paintings, simple objects in an everyday (well, everyday for an artist) setting, seem simple and obvious but aren't. His titles are often enigmatic.
I am not trying to duplicate one of his paintings just hoping to capture "the manner of".

The saga of my photographs of Julius Eastman (shown here in a concert in 1974) continues. This week I negotiated for the use of one of my photographs of him for a TV "branding" spot for the New York Times.
... and also negotiated for the use of them in a college art appreciation textbook being published by the University of Wellington (New Zealand).
For the back story on these photographs see my blog (notbadbutisitart, for April 2017.