There's nothing to sphere but sphere itself.

On Reading Number 48
The great Andre Kertesz published a small book "On Reading" and I immediately and shamelessly copied the title -- and the idea for a book of street photographs. Two of them have wound up as cover photographs on college textbooks on the teaching of reading (in Polish, by the way, but that's a different story.)
I am way short on new negatives so I've been mining the archive for negatives that needed to be printed or prints that I look at and say "What was I thinking?" This was one of the latter.

This one, of my young friend Tabitha, was one of the former -- I hadn't printed it because it was a very difficult negative and beyond my darkroom skills of (ahem) a few years ago.
The display that I curated for the Highline Heritage Museum will finally go up mid-November. Here, from the August newsletter: Getting this together was a lot of fun but I'll not likely volunteer to do another one.
“The History We Live With”. will be presented in two display cases in the city of SeaTac’s office/court building in late September. The display is based on a continuing question I have about my own work “What am I not photographing?” The root of this nagging question began several years ago in Germany. In a cobblestone courtyard in a German village a schoolgirl stopped, perhaps waiting for a friend, and broke out her homework sitting on a wall that was there in the 1500s. She lives with the long history of her village every day of her life. We do, too. The history of our area as we see it today is very brief by comparison but that does not mean that we don’t have history. Moreover, history is not exclusively about the past. It also is about creating a memory of what is important, significant, interesting, quirky – that we walk or drive by every day but will be gone in a year or another decade. What we will remember being there once upon a time — or that our grandchildren should see as a reminder of what we now see every day?
