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"It is the photo that takes you."

"Sylvia in a Shadow" Sylvia, violinist, artist, museum docent, and I were lunching with an art historian mutual friend. We were discussing art (what a surprise) and when Sylvia turned into the light streaming through the window at her right I snatched my camera and had two negatives before she turned back. The great HCB was right: the photo took me.


My small show of prints from the "Ecstatic Dancers" series goes up in the Burien Community Center next week. They are a good fit for the space since the large room across the hall is host to dance lessons.

There won't be an opening event -- not a big surprise for such a small show, only 12 prints. If you happen to be in the neighborhood, drop in. I also put a pdf of the prints in the show on Dropbox. Here's the link

The show at the Federal Way Performance Center in July is a different breed of cat! I'm hoping for an opening event but the plans are still in the hands of the facility. I'll post as soon as I hear something.

And here's another photograph from the Panama Hotel tour. It the upstairs hall. All of the windows are set low in the wall with a broad sill on the inside -- designed to reflect light into the space. The architect who designed this building really new his stuff!

With warm weather creeping up on us I'm hoping to get out a lot more!


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