The Wedding Photographer (from the 7x14 project)

This is another candidate for my "7x14" project -- to use a stack of 7x14 black metal frames. I plan to use 3, 4, maybe 5 photographs that together tell a short story.
The occasion was a garden wedding in the backyard of a friend's rather upscale home in Buffalo, New York. Photographing a wedding is not really my most favorite task but I sometimes do so. I usually regret it. Not this one.
The bride was a pretty young woman who had recently completed a PhD at a university in England and was marrying her British sweetheart. His family from England had turned up en masse for the wedding and a cheerful lot they were, too. The occasion was not only a wedding but a welcome home and graduation party. Both bride and groom had assured me that there would be no drama or histrionics -- everybody got along well and I should expect nothing but good cheer.
The bride assigned one of her bridesmaids -- the pretty young British woman in these photographs -- to help me sort out the who's-who of the wedding party. The fact that she had never met the bride's family until a couple of days before didn't deter her from cheerfully (but not always accurately) identifying various cousins and nephews. While we were doing the posed photographs she asked if I minded if she took photographs also. I did not mind so she fetched her little TLR roll film camera (see the sequence of photographs above) and when I had each group posed she photographed also. She was sweet and demur but not at all averse to hustling a stray relative back in line. I liked her a lot.
For a more complete description of this wedding visit my blog:
and its companion piece: