Liquid Light

January's Print of the Month (or thereabouts) comes from Chicago's Union Station -- the historic railway station near the loop. The great hall, where this was taken is an enormous room with about a 50-foot high ceiling. In the center of the room is a skylight about half the size of a basketball court.
The light is delicious -- that's the only word I can find to describe it. It is so soft and so liquid that you should be able to scoop it up in a bucket.
At rush hour Union Station is crowded, noisy, and hurried. At other times, such as when we were waiting for the train back to Seattle, it is nearly empty.

I'm starting to prepare to begin getting ready for the small show I will have at the Burien Community Center in April. The space is not large -- I will perhaps be able to hang 12 prints -- but quite attractive and located where there is a lot of traffic.
This, "Scene Through a Glass #42" is of shop windows in Chicago -- likely the same day as the January Print of the Month.
I very much need to get some new negatives in my pipeline -- especially now that my darkroom is back in operation -- but going through my 50,000 or so negatives is fun too.
Note that I changed the quotation on the banner of the home page of my website. I'm feeling more than a bit Robert Doisneau-ish about this.